Facilities at Elaf Qinwan Hotel

Terms And Conditions

About Hotel Policies


At the time of booking, or at check-in, we will take your credit card details and you authorize the use of this card for any sums that become owing to us. We shall also have the right to require full payment in advance or a deposit at the time of booking, in certain circumstances, or, if the booking includes the supply of certain items or services. No booking shall be treated as confirmed until the details and/or payment/deposit described in this paragraph have been provided.


The prices displayed on the website are an average per night per room until a rate is selected. Any meals, service or VAT (at the prevailing rate) are included only if specified. A minimum length of stay, deposit, cancellation charge and other conditions may apply to certain rates, as specified. Once a rate is selected on the website, the total for your requested stay shall be displayed on the reservation summary. Prices shall be charged in the local currency of the Hotel and any currency conversion facility is provided as an approximation tool only. 

The VAT breakdown shown is indicative based on the prevailing rate of VAT, and the expected VAT treatment of the goods or services. VAT will be payable at the prevailing rate applicable at the point of the invoice or booking confirmation issued and may change depending on the actual rate and the VAT treatment of the goods and services purchased at that date.

Check In - Check Out Requirements 

In the interests of security and to prevent fraud, at the time of check-in, guests may be required to confirm their identity by providing their booking reference, their passport/identity card and a valid credit or debit card. These records will be kept for at least 12 months and may be disclosed or made available for ainspection by any police officer or as otherwise required by applicable law in connection with the prevention or investigation of crime.

The information above may be requested for each member of your party over the age of 16 and we reserve the right to refuse entry to persons who cannot provide the information set out above. Unless otherwise stated on the booking confirmation, guests may check-in at any time from 15:00 hours local time on the scheduled day of arrival. All rooms that have been secured by credit/debit card or prepaid at the time of booking will be held until 23:59 hours local time on the scheduled day of arrival unless otherwise agreed directly with the Hotel. Any non-secured reservation will be held until 18:00 hours local time on the day of arrival, at which time we will be entitled to re-let the room, unless the guest has notified the hotel of a late arrival. On the day of departure, we kindly ask all guests to vacate their rooms by 12:00 hours (unless a later departure is stated as part of your booking). Late check-out after this time can be requested subject to availability and will be charged at an hourly rate at the discretion of the Hotel.

Rooms are subject to maximum occupancy rules set by the Hotel. If you would like further details, please contact the Hotel at res-med@elafhotels.com


We accept the following methods of payment: 
(a) credit cards: American Express, Visa, MasterCard 
(b) debit cards: Visa, Mastercard,  

At the time of check-in, we will authorize the accommodation charges (room rate, VAT ) and anticipated incidentals for the duration of your stay against your credit/debit card. We may also choose to accept a deposit in place of payment card authorization During your stay the Hotel’s system will calculate the incidentals charged to your room on a daily basis. If the cost of those incidentals exceeds the authorization taken on check-in, further authorization will automatically be requested and if such authorization is not available, we may request another method of settlement or a deposit to be provided, failing which we reserve the right to restrict access to your room.

All outstanding charges must be paid for in full on check-out from the Hotel. If the outstanding charges do not exceed the authorization taken on check-in, the authorization for the amount not utilized will be released, however, we cannot control how long it takes for your bank to affect such release. If staying for multiple nights at the Hotel we may require you to make payment for any outstanding charges on a more frequent basis during your stay.

Cancellation Policy And No Show

The cancellation policy varies according to the rate that is booked. Please refer to the individual full rate descriptions given at booking. For rates marked as “Flexible”, these are cancellable without charge up to 18:00 hours local time on the day of arrival. Cancellation and non-arrival charges apply after the relevant time and will be charged to the credit/debit card supplied at the time of booking. We reserve the right to charge for one night’s accommodation per room booked if the above cancellation requirements are not met. For any prepaid rates, we require full prepayment for the entire stay at the time of the booking and this is non-refundable and the booking non-changeable. Prepayment is charged to the credit/debit card supplied at the time of the booking. Cancellation or non-arrival will result in the forfeiture of the prepayment.

Charges And Cancellation By The Hotel

Very occasionally we may need to cancel your booking. In such circumstances you will be given a full refund, but we shall have no further liability to you arising out of such cancellation. We will, however, use reasonable endeavors to try and re-locate any confirmed booking cancelled by us to an alternative location similar in standard to the Hotel.


We reserve the right and you hereby authorize us to charge your credit or debit card for any damage incurred to your room or the Hotel during your stay (including without limitation specialist cleaning) or for any items that are missing when you leave.

Hotel Events

Please be aware that at certain times throughout the year the hotel may host weddings, events and parties, which you may feel would be an intrusion on your break. Please contact the Hotel directly in advance of your stay for further information.

Guest Behaviour

Guests are requested to conduct themselves appropriately at all times and to comply with Hotel procedures and/or requests with regard to conduct and respect for the property of the Hotel, its employees and guests and their health and safety. Guests are requested not to disrupt the comfort and enjoyment of other guests, the smooth running of the Hotel, or cause offence to other guests or our members of staff. We reserve the right to refuse accommodation or services or remove you and members of your party from the Hotel if, in our reasonable opinion, we consider this provision to have been breached. Where this is the case, we shall have no obligation to refund you for lost accommodation, other services or any other loss or expense incurred.


Guests are not permitted to smoke in the nonsmoking rooms or public areas while the hotel provides special areas for smoking and smoking rooms & floors as well.


Children aged 12 or under can stay free of charge when sharing a room with a full-paying adult. All persons under 18 years of age staying at the Hotel must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Cots and extra beds are available in our larger rooms, however, these are limited and subject to availability. Additional charges may apply. Please check at the time of booking.


Are not allowed.

Force Majeure

The Hotel accepts no liability and will not pay any compensation where the performance of its obligations is prevented or affected directly or indirectly by or as a result of force majeure or any circumstances beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, extreme adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, pandemics, epidemics, other acts of God, acts of terrorism, fire or failure of electric power, gas, water, or other utility service, plant machinery, computers, vehicles or any collapse of building structures.

Limitation and Liability 

The Hotel will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any property left in or sent to the Hotel unless this has been expressly presented for custody in the Hotel’s safe (with a receipt provided) or any other applicable law. The Hotel will not be liable for any indirect, consequential or pure economic loss or any loss of profit, goodwill or opportunity (whether caused by the negligence of the Hotel, its employees, contractor or agents or otherwise). The Hotel’s total liability shall not exceed the value of the charges received by it under the Contract. Nothing contained in the Contract or in any other document referred to or incorporated in it shall be read or construed as excluding any liability for death or personal injury caused by the Hotel’s negligence or liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Contract and any non-contractual obligations arising in connection with it are governed by Saudi law. The Saudi courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute arising in connection with the Contract, including disputes relating to any non-contractual obligations. Each party irrevocably waives any objection which it may now or later have to proceedings being brought in the Saudi courts.

Website Information

While all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of information on the Website, the Hotel does not accept responsibility for errors or omissions and reserves the right to amend, cancel or vary any of the content featured on the Websites without notice. Please note that in certain circumstances, generic photographic images have been used to represent the general style of a particular product. The Websites are operated by the Hotel. The content of the Websites is the copyright of the Hotel, and may not be copied, reproduced, published, distributed or amended for any other purpose without our prior written consent. Trademarks used on the Website are the property of the respective owners. Hyperlinks to third-party websites are provided for your convenience. We cannot accept responsibility for the content or use of third-party sites.